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Application Modernization Services

Modernize your app today for a more agile tomorrow

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Slash costs and boost savings

Reduce application maintenance costs. Lower expenses associated with legacy systems by modernizing your applications.

Improved agility & innovation

Innovate and leverage the latest technologies to improve your offering and stay competitive

Maximize efficiency & productivity

Improve resource utilization, streamline processes, reduce manual work, and eliminate outdated systems that slow down operations

Transform legacy systems with cutting-edge application modernization

3Pillar’s application modernization approach is business-centric, and ensures comprehensive value delivery. We team with your in-house domain experts to conduct a thorough initial assessment, and identify application issues, opportunities, and technological and business drivers.

Recognizing the fundamental cause of each driver—functional, architectural, or technological—is crucial for determining the optimal modernization approach. Once your strategic direction is established, we craft a modernization roadmap to meet it.

five cloud migration strategies: Rehost, Replatform, Rearchitect, Rebuild, and Replace.

The 5 Rs of application modernization—Rehost, Replatform, Rearchitect, Rebuild, and Replace—are strategies for updating legacy systems to meet current business needs.

Rehost involves lifting and shifting the application to a new infrastructure without changing the underlying code. It’s often the quickest and least expensive approach, moving the application to cloud environments or more modern hardware.

Replatform includes making slight modifications to the application while still moving it to a new environment. This could involve using managed services, cloud databases, or optimizing for better performance without overhauling the core architecture.

Rearchitect means reworking significant parts of the application’s code to make it more efficient or scalable. This often involves breaking up monolithic applications into microservices, improving performance, and enabling better integration with modern technologies.

Rebuild is the process of completely rewriting the application from scratch using modern frameworks and languages. While time-intensive, this allows for the introduction of new functionalities and better optimization for cloud environments.

Replace involves discarding the legacy application entirely and adopting an off-the-shelf solution that meets the same business requirements. This can be the most efficient route if the existing system is too outdated to modernize effectively.

Choosing the right strategy depends on factors like cost, time, and long-term business needs. Each of the 5 Rs offers a path to leverage modern technology while balancing risk and reward.

3 critical factors for application modernization to fuel business growth

Application modernization requires considering three key factors: Decomposition, Automation, and Cloud Migration & Optimization.


Decomposition means disassembling your existing applications into distinct components that can be containerized, refactored, or re-engineered as necessary. We help create architectural patterns that enable the construction of applications using loosely-coupled, independent, and discrete services. This method enhances technological flexibility, allowing for the use of diverse technologies and frameworks to manage various microservices.


Automation employs a sophisticated blend of DevOps methodologies, advanced tooling, and continuous delivery practices to eliminate as much manual work as possible from the software development lifecycle. A key focus is on automating CI/CD pipelines, enabling seamless integration and deployment of code changes. Automation also plays a critical role in areas such as automated testing, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and data migration and management.

Cloud Migration & Optimization

Cloud migration and optimization are integral components of any application modernization initiative. Leveraging robust and comprehensive cloud solutions is essential for managing risk, enhancing scalability, improving performance, and reducing costs. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) each offer significant improvements in performance, efficiency, and scalability. Our approach empowers you to derive substantial business value from your data through advanced, cloud-native AI services and tools.

Key benefits of application modernization

Our clients consistently achieve breakthrough results when they follow our strategic approach to application modernization including: 

Cloud migration and optimized code lead to improved application performance and scalability

Take advantage of modern protocols, DevSecOps, and advanced threat detection to strengthen your cybersecurity posture

Decrease maintenance costs and take advantage of pay-as-you-go cloud services to reduce the cost of application operations

Release updates faster and more frequently with a modular architecture

Get real-time data access via advanced cloud storage solutions

Establish cloud backup and failover capabilities to guarantee product uptime

Ensure remote access and collaboration tools that empower your development teams to do their best work

Drivers for modernizing legacy applications

Organizations choose to modernize legacy applications for a number of reasons and use cases. These drivers can be categorized as business drivers and technology drivers, and each can be addressed with our application modernization services.

Business fit

If your application is an obstacle to business opportunities or evolving requirements, it may hinder your ability to respond to market demands, innovate, and maintain a competitive edge.


Legacy applications can hinder your ability to leverage emerging technologies, adapt to evolving market trends, and foster a culture of continuous innovation.


When application enhancements are too time-consuming or costly, it significantly impairs your organization’s agility, ability to swiftly adapt to market changes, implement new features, and respond to customer demands.


When the total cost of ownership for an application exceeds its business value, it becomes a financial burden rather than an asset. Modernizing these applications is crucial to optimizing costs and maximizing return on investment.


When an application is dependent on multiple technologies, implementing improvements, maintaining stability, and ensuring consistent performance become formidable challenges. Modernization is essential to enhance the application’s reliability and facilitate easier, more cost-effective enhancements.


When application enhancements are excessively time-consuming or costly, they introduce significant risk to the organization. These delays can hinder your ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions, address security vulnerabilities, and meet regulatory requirements.

Helping our clients succeed

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Achieved $1.75 MM in ROI driven by net new revenue and cost savings

“Through our partnership with 3Pillar, we’ve credentialed ourselves as the industry’s most creative, forward-thinking tech team.”

Chief Technology Officer

Top US Multiple Listing Service

A man interacting with the screen of his mobile device with a health app.

75% reduction in volume of customer support calls

Launched new product quickly, allowing company to enroll new customers and increasing availability from 16 to 26 states in less than a year

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Align. Adapt. Accelerate.

Upgrade your legacy applications to enhance security, improve performance, and reduce costs. Reach out today to get started.

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