Growth & Scale

Grow market share and drive product ROI while building for scale. Increase revenue while simultaneously decreasing costs to drive profitability.

Growth and Scale

The Growth & Scale Equation

After you’ve achieved product-market fit with your MVP, where do you go from there? How can you continue to grow your customer base, expand your product offerings to attract new customers, and scale your infrastructure to handle increased load and complexity? Our Growth & Scale Offering was created to help companies answer all these questions and more as they drive their products up the maturity curve.

The Growth & Scale offering helps companies ensure that their team is able to continue driving product innovation while also paying down any technical debt that may have accrued while working to ensure product-market fit and viability. From there, we seek to accelerate feature development while making targeted recommendations and tradeoffs to keep new features, non-functional needs (e.g. security, uptime, etc.) and process maturity in balance. Our cross-functional Agile teams are trained in the Product Mindset and excel at balancing short-, medium-, and long-term product needs.

Drive Growth & Scale

Product Lifecycle - Growth and Scale

Why Opt for 3Pillar's Growth & Scale Offering?

Once a product has a toe-hold in the market, growing market share and scaling the infrastructure to support that increased market share can be an even bigger challenge. Digital products are never truly done, so ensuring ongoing ROI requires delivering features that protect existing market share while also appealing to new customers. In short, what originally gets you to the product mountaintop isn’t necessarily the same as what will keep you there.

Similarly, establishing the technical infrastructure necessary to support growth and scale often requires additional rigor that may extend far beyond what was necessary to launch an MVP. As a product grows in complexity, so too must the maturity of a wide array of development processes and tooling to keep the proverbial lights on. This shift from focusing on features and fit to balancing the pressures of managing a mature product can be jarring for organizations that are forced to make this leap.

Case Studies

Enhancing a Trusted Banking Company’s Online User Experience
A trusted banking network engaged with 3Pillar Global to improve their online portal UX and enhance the customer experience they deliver to the market.
MVP to Full Fledged application
Elevating a Product MVP to a Full-Fledged Digital Fitness Concierge
The St. James, a premium health club in Northern Virginia, initially engaged 3Pillar Global to build a digital valet application to connect members with personal training sessions, group fitness classes, wellness evaluations, and equipment availability, but things changed in early 2020.

Meet the Team

Director, Global Head of User Experience
Michael Rabjohns

Michael Rabjohns is the Head of User Experience at 3Pillar Global, and has over 20 years’ experience in digital product design (UX and Product Management). He has worked for or with, Chrysler International, Ford, Calvin Klein, Trex, Forrester Research, Carfax, Euro RSCG, SapientNitro, and many other firms. He is an eager advocate for user research for delivering maximum value to users, and would be happy to chat with you about typography anytime.

Principal User Experience Designer
Don Hiles

Don Hiles has been with 3Pillar Global since 2015, specializing in designing products based on challenging user research needs and aggressive timelines. He is a user experience architect with a strong background in end user communication and needs. He is also a frequent liaison between the design team and the development team, championing internal user needs of both. Don is a dedicated team leader and self motivator and is always tinkering with game design and creating new and innovative avenues of interaction for a global world.

Manager, Product Development
Monica Vazquez

Monica Vazquez is manager of Product Development for 3Pillar Global. Initially working as a Scrum Master and then within the Development Teams, Monica saw the unique and exciting opportunity to work in the UX team within research and UX Writing. She is very passionate about helping teams communicate and uses her unique cross-functional expertise to support teams and provide clear solutions to clients and customers alike.

Senior UX Designer
Valeria Rojas

Valeria Rojas is a Senior UX Designer with deep experience in interaction design, information architecture, human-computer interaction, creating wireframes and prototypes, conducting user testing and more. She also excels in service design and customer experience. Understanding the larger scope of projects, Valeria not only takes into consideration the user, she also aligns everything to the business outcome for every engagement.

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