Design System

Accelerate speed, quality, and collaboration by making your UX standards turnkey solutions. Ensure Design and Development teams are in lock-step when it comes to foundational elements of UX.

Design Systems in UX

Design System Overview

Does your organization struggle to present a unified look and feel across your product portfolio? Do seemingly minor UX changes take what feels like ages to implement? You’re not alone if that’s the case. Most businesses without a design system grapple with these exact challenges.

Our Design System offering helps companies establish both their design system strategy and a working design system. A design system includes design artifacts like component libraries and corresponding front-end Javascript components. You can think of it as a style guide on steroids. We work alongside clients to choose the right tool set needed for their teams and then apply the design system to a pilot application that demonstrates how it works as well as its benefits.

Also included in the Design System offering is training of UX, Product, and Engineering teams on how to use the design system and how to implement it with their existing design tools and development frameworks.

Get Started with a Design System

Design System to Make UX Better

Why Opt for a Design System with 3Pillar?

Design systems are one of the few product investments that improve quality and speed simultaneously. In addition to achieving greater speed, consistency, and quality, your team can re-allocate time spent working on individual product components and focus instead on higher-level objectives, such as delivering greater value to your users in a way that benefits your business.

Our Design System teams craft design systems that don’t just improve the visual appeal of a suite of products, they ensure those products drive the desired business outcomes. We help you reduce production costs while simultaneously increasing production speed and production quality. The design systems we create enable organizations to leverage a central component library and related code so they can quickly and easily implement design and branding changes across their entire product ecosystem.

We believe so strongly in the power of design systems that we’ve created an internal certification program to mint more UX professionals who are experts at creating them. Via a series of modules based on real-world experience, the training teaches our talented designers a proven framework to deliver world-class design systems.

Case Studies

Using a Design System to Accelerate Development Cycles and Streamline UX
A web3 company that provides white-label NFT solutions for leading brands came to 3Pillar Global to help them build custom NFT exchanges for their growing customer base. Our UX team identified that a Design System was a more scalable solution to meet their needs than simply continuing the current process.

Meet the Team

Director, Global Head of User Experience
Michael Rabjohns

Michael Rabjohns is the Head of User Experience at 3Pillar Global, and has over 20 years’ experience in digital product design (UX and Product Management). He has worked for or with, Chrysler International, Ford, Calvin Klein, Trex, Forrester Research, Carfax, Euro RSCG, SapientNitro, and many other firms. He is an eager advocate for user research for delivering maximum value to users, and would be happy to chat with you about typography anytime.

Senior User Experience Designer
Stephany Mora

Stephany Mora is a seasoned Design System Manager known for her strategic thinking, architectural prowess, and strong collaboration skills. Stephany is known for her keen eye for detail, ensuring that every element of a design system aligns seamlessly with the overarching strategy. She understands the importance of collaboration and communication in achieving successful Design Systems that drive innovation and consistency.

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