Financial Services

Financial institutions are under pressure to deliver the best possible experience for their customers. They must adapt and innovate. In order to thrive, they must overcome the challenges of legacy infrastructure, which often limits the ability to roll out new services across multiple channels and customer-facing digital touchpoints.

3Pillar Global delivers best-in-class customer experience and personalization solutions that allow financial institutions to generate better profits and become the provider of choice for consumers.

Customer success stories.

Delighting Customers with a Modern Banking Experience

“3Pillar does a great job helping us understand the scope of our projects and the feasibility of the features we want to add to our applications. This approach facilitates the process to revisit project requirements so we can make sure we have a solid game plan in place to deliver value to our customers.”

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Helping the largest banking network in the US create seamless customer experiences.

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Revolutionizing digital product offerings to establish leadership across the entire insurance category.

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What we can do for you.

  • Innovation Sprints
    Let us help you determine the right financial services product to bring to market. Our Innovation Sprints can help you move from idea to prototype in just a few weeks.
  • Discover
    Armed with a product idea, Discover helps you to define the flows, features and experiences that will delight your customers and deliver the business outcomes you expect from your product.
  • PDaaS Innovate icon
    Enable Innovation
    The speed at which you can introduce new features is directly related to the decisions you make about modernizing your infrastructure. Our teams work with you to optimize your platform decisions for innovation.
  • Strengthen Stability and Consistency
    Legacy platforms are becoming increasingly unstable and vulnerable. Our team works with your business to help you make the decisions that will protect your reputation.

Financial Services Experts

Senior Client Partner
Michael Frost

Michael is a dynamic and entrepreneurial Banking & Financial Services expert with a passion for helping organizations achieve growth. With his start-up mentality, Michael has helped numerous companies find new opportunities for revenue growth and develop long-lasting client relationships that have led to continuous business.

Michael possesses a deep knowledge of digital financial business solutions across all platforms, making him a valuable asset to any organization seeking to improve its digital presence. With his extensive industry knowledge and innovative thinking, Michael has helped many companies achieve significant growth, profitability and long-term success.

Senior Client Partner
Albert Thibault

Albert is a seasoned Banking & Financial Services professional with extensive experience in client service and business development. With a deep understanding of all facets of digital transformation, including user experience and design, organizational change management, product innovation, and software development, he has a unique ability to anticipate and solve complex challenges facing organizations today.

Throughout his career, Albert has established himself as a trusted advisor to clients, helping them define their objectives and identify the most effective strategies to achieve their goals.

Get in touch with our
financial services team.